Jeremy McGilvrey — What to Do When Your Retargeting Messages Bounce

Jeremy McGilvrey
5 min readDec 8, 2021


Jeremy McGilvrey, Houston Texas Dec 8, 2021 — There are a number of reasons why your re-marketing campaigns may not be working the way you want, leaving you to throw up your hands and wonder if you’re wasting your valuable time and money.

What to Do When Your Retargeting Messages Bounce
Jeremy McGilvrey What to Do When Your Re-targeting Messages Bounce

Thankfully, with a little tweaking, you can skyrocket your rates of conversion.

Here’s why your re-marketing campaign isn’t working and how you can fix it.

Why Your Re-Marketing Campaign Is Failing

One of the biggest, most common re-marketing mistakes you can make is one where your reach is far too broad.For example, far too many re-marketing campaigns target every website visitor in the last 30 days.

Most re-marketing advisors will tell you to target every visitor that lands on your dot com over the course of the last 30 days.

Not so.

You may believe your re-marketing click-through and conversion rates are low simply because you haven’t tested your ad copy.Or you haven’t tested your creative (message) or your offer.

Many end up creating ten different sizes of banner ads hoping to see which one converts best.

But the truth is…If you’re still only re-marketing to every website visitor in the last 30 days, it doesn’t matter how incredible your ad copy is, people won’t convert.


Because a majority of folk shave probably only read one single blog post and still have no idea who you are.

So, re-marketing can’t be unspecific anymore, it must be properly targeted.

Instead, do this:

Target Specific URL Visits —

The single biggest mistake there is in re-marketing, is not targeting specific URLs.

Every beginner marketing playbook tells us that re-marketing is awesome because we can target everyone that lands on our site.

All you do is simply setup a pixel and target every site visitor from the last 30 days.

We just uncovered the best way to improve ROI, right?Wrong.

Just think about it this way.

Let’s say you’re searching in Google for an SEO guide.

Jeremy Mcgilvrey’s SEO guide

There are over three million results. To be precise, there are more than 3.5-million results for this particular search.

That means there are millions and millions of sites competing for that keyword.Some are SEO companies, some are consulting, and some are just marketing bloggers.

Now, you scroll down and decide to click on this listing:

Jeremy McGilvrey’s SEO step by step

Here’s how to find them.You can use either Facebook or Google AdWords; let’s use Facebook for this example.

To get started, open up the Facebook Business Manager dashboard and create a new “Audience.”

From here, create a new “Custom Audience.”

Next, make sure to select “Website Traffic” from the list of “Custom Audience” options.

This will allow you to create specific audiences based on the people who visit your site. Now, here’s where the re-marketing gets good.Instead of a basic re-marketing campaign, you are now creating one that is customized.

The key is to target specific URLs that show a desire to purchase or learn more.

For example, let’s say someone landed on your blog post and then never came back.

Would you retarget them to convert?

Probably not. If you were to do so, there’s a 99% chance you’ll only see the same old low rates of conversion.

But what about the smaller group of people that landed on your product features page? Or how about ones that landed on your pricing page?

That’s who you target!

So, click the drop-down and change “All website visitors” to “People who visited specific web pages.”(See below)

Next, enter your product features and pricing pages with the URLs to be met. (See example below)

This set-up will only trigger re-marketing ads when a visitor lands on your product/features and pricing page.

It means these customers are the ones who were seconds away from converting but didn’t.

So instead of re-marketing to visitors who spent 20 seconds and then bounced, you’re targeting visitors who are almost guaranteed to convert.

This is the holy grail where customers will most likely commit.

This type of re-marketing is great for narrowing down an audience that is likely to convert.

Instead of asking them to come back to your product page with a benefit-driven value proposition, you can offer a discount.

Rather than saying: “Our product will help you deliver marketing KPIs on time,” you can say: “15% off our SEO tool if you purchase today.”

Why? Because they’ve visited a few times, but haven’t converted.That means they’re still pretty hesitant about giving you money.

But with the type of re-marketing you are learning here; you can change that.Use this audience type to fix your re-marketing campaign and deliver higher-converting campaigns.

By following these steps, you can eliminate common re-marketing mistakes, which will result in an upswing in your rates of conversions and click-throughs.

Jeremy McGilvrey is the owner of a top-rated Houston web design company. If you’re looking for a web design and development services company in Houston, Texas you can contact Jeremy’s web design and development company here: Houston’s Top-Rated Web Design Company.



Jeremy McGilvrey

Houston web design has a new leader. With over 20 years of experience, Jeremy McGilvray is the founder of one of the best web design companies in Houston, Texas